Educators: Why Immersive Media?

Apr 09, 2022

1. It increases understanding.

Did you know that approximately 65% of the population are visual learners? Moreover, visual learning has been proven to increase information recall, and stick in students’ long-term memories. According to

a study by Changing Minds

, while test subjects retained only 10-20% of written or spoken information, they were able to remember 60% of visual information. Most likely, you’ll have many visual learners in your classroom, and for these students, the ability to visualize a lesson is instrumental in the overall understanding of concepts. By providing visceral, immersive content in your classroom, you can cater to the learning needs of your students, as well as sparking excitement about the subject.

2. It encourages excitement.

Speaking of excitement, the introduction of immersive media into your classroom gets learners excited to absorb new information. In

a survey by Samsung

, 93% of grade school teachers said that their students would be excited about using virtual reality technology in the classroom. This vivid viewing experience isn’t often possible in a traditional classroom, and is generally limited to 2D media-- textbook images or outdated educational videos. But now that immersive educational media is accessible, it’s easier than ever to upgrade your class resources. It’s no secret that we live in a plugged-in generation, and reaching students via their interest in digital culture is a natural next step to making learning fun again.

3. It promotes active engagement.

One of the major benefits of immersive media is its participatory nature-- unlike wheeling a TV into the classroom and hoping your students are paying attention, this virtual content promotes active engagement with the materials, prompting students to explore, ask questions, and discover the answers for themselves.

A Gallup poll

found that approximately 29% of students are not engaged with school, while 24% reported feeling actively disengaged. To combat these startling statistics, it’s crucial that educators integrate media that requires active participation, and encourages curiosity.

4. It's tailored to fit your curriculum.

As an educator, your arsenal of immersive media can be tailored to fit specific curriculums, whether you teach science, history, social studies, or all of the above. As

the VR industry grows

-- it’s projected to increase to 16 billion USD by 2022-- the catalog of quality educational VR media grows alongside it, and today many of the most reputable media companies are releasing videos and short films to educate and inspire students around the world. Organizations like TechRow have compiled this curriculum-approved library of educational content into an accessible, easy-to-use platform, where all it takes is a few clicks to find the perfect immersive media for any lesson plan.

5. It eliminates barriers.

Immersive technology is especially valuable for its inclusivity. Through this visual medium, language barriers are virtually eliminated, and students with reading challenges can participate regardless of their skill level. Students with physical disabilities can traverse the same exciting landscapes as other classmates, enabling them to climb mountains or explore Machu Picchu. In

an article for Tech Crunch

, Raphael Clegg-Vinell writes, “VR is a ripe opportunity to think outside conventions and make a world that is more user-friendly for all.” This media is a valuable tool to cater to all of your students, and ensure a rewarding experience for everyone.

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The Importance of Virtual College Tours
Apr 24, 2022

Selecting the right college or university to further one’s studies is arguably the most important-- and potentially stressful-- decision on the shoulders of high school seniors. On top of other important factors to take into account, like course options, location, and extracurricular offerings, understanding the general feel of the campus is extremely important in choosing a college or university. Thus, campus tours have become a vital element in the college search process: In

a 2004 study

by Art & Science Group, 65% of students polled indicated that campus visits were very influential in their application decision. But amidst a pandemic that has eliminated most traveling and in-person events, students have been left wondering how to make this crucial decision without ever touring campuses themselves.

This is where virtual university tours come in. Platforms like TechRow offer immersive 360° tours of college campuses around the country, and since the beginning of Covid lockdown’s, students have increasingly been utilizing these tools to get a full perspective of potential college life. According to

a study

by the Education Advisory Board, participation in virtual campus tours had increased by a monumental 258% in April 2020. And for good reason: not only do virtual university tours allow for campus exploration during the pandemic, but they also enable students to customize the route of their tour, allowing students to explore what’s important to them, as well as empowering disabled students to roam campuses regardless of the physical limitation they may possess.

Through TechRow, students are able to access tours from a wide range of campuses, from Berklee College of Music, CalTech, the University of Utah, and Stanford University to name a few. These immersive experiences showcase classrooms, dormitories , dining halls, and the surrounding cities, providing an all-encompassing view into the student experience. Led by a current student, viewers gain a new perspective on colleges they may only have read about, and are prompted to reach out to the admissions office with any questions.

High school seniors should never have to blindly commit to a college, and virtual university tours give students the perspective they need to make their decision with confidence.